AI Tools for Personal, Work, and Social Use in 2023

The fourth industrial revolution and artificial intelligence have advanced significantly during the past few years. You'll see in the upcoming sections that the majority of this work that is now useable has been created for industrial and commercial needs. Working towards the ultimate objective of AI (cracking artificial general intelligence), research organizations and specialized businesses are creating open platforms and exploring the associated ethical issues.
In addition, there are a number of businesses developing AI products for end users, which is where we'll start this post series.

Over the course of a few weeks, I searched through 1,000+ links and literally thousands of websites to compile a comprehensive list of the top AI products and startups.


Carly — helps you manage phone calls
ETCH — helps you manage your networks into a searchable database
Findo — Your smart search assistant across email, files &personal cloud
Leap — recommends companies to apply for based on your skills
Lomi — identifies sales leads
Mosaic — helps you write better resumes
Newton — helps you find a dream job
Notion — helps with email overload, organisation and communication
Robby — a better and smarter calendar
Stella — scans for jobs and helps manage your application process
Woo — helps you make smarter decision for your career, anonymously
Aloe — replaces your notes books, diary and meeting preparation material
Wade&Wendy — your career advisor — browser widget that helps you learn about people your emailing


Ems  — helps you find the perfect place to live
Bridge Kitchen— kitchen assistant for turn-by-turn directions in the kitchen
UnifyID — verify your identity by the way you walk, type and sit


Brightcrowd — helps you find meaningful professional connections — recall the good times in life — dating app with Face Search
ETCH — helps you manage your networks into a searchable database
Eezy — let Eezy take care of your evening so you can take care of having fun
Hashley — ironic hashtag and comment generator for your photos — can tell you how hot you are— actionable insights and relationship intelligence
Rey — introduces you to people you should really meet (work and play)

Social media / Website management

Firedrop — websites designed automatically, just add content and publish
Hashley — ironic hashtag and comment generator for your photos — throw content at it and it builds you a website
Oly — selects and helps you publish content to your social media
Signature — build elegant landing pages using your social media content
TheGrid — building websites automatically just by adding content — personalised recommendations for your Shopify store

Check out the links above provided and they are not free and Some websites give free trail and some have pricing {alertInfo}

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